#2: Settlers of Catan save failure

Some versions of Bigfish Games' Settlers of Catan (a faithful reproduction of the board game) have a strange issue, in which under certain operating contexts, it will not save a game. The error message reported is a generic and not-at-all useful " an error has occurred while saving ".

The failure to save is from a missing directory

There is a missing directory. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\MSN Games\Catan for Windows XP, and presumably AppData\Microsoft\MSN Games\Catan for Vista. Use ProcMon to check for which directory is missing, then create it yourself.


  1. test

    test on July 27, 2016, 01:08 AM UTC
  2. I just want to share with everyone, after playing around with Process Monitor, that the save directory for Catan in Win Windows 7 is C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\MSN Games\Catan\

    Jombi on August 31, 2016, 03:03 AM UTC

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