Installing ICBM-7071 car alarm in 2002 Ford Crown Vic.
Problem1 - Solved
The indicated trunk switch input on the 8 pin connector was mislabeled. The manual said that the third wire from the left should be a black wire for the trunk input but the actual wire is red and was labeled on the sticker on the actual alarm as the Oil Sensor. The wire is indeed the Oil input, and I was able to use it instead of the purple/white tach wire (which I had no success with) to get the remote start working.
Problem2 - No clue
No clue where the actual trunk input wire is on the alarm. We hooked the trunk switch into the hood input wire so the trunk would at least trigger the alarm. This has the unfortunate side effect of turning off the remote start when the trunk is open, because remote start is disabled when the hood is open for safety reasons.
Problem3 - Solved
It was unclear what to do with the second pink wire, labeled "Second Ignition Output", from the remote start . We figured out that we need to connect it to the thick black/lightgreen wire at the ignition switch. The BK/LG wire powers some accessories. After this was connected we were able to hook red Oil input to a trunk release circuit that is only powered when the car is on (We did this for lack of any accessible tach or oil/input connectors in the Crown Vic)
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vlad out by posting your solution
IBCM-7071 Installation Menual - found by
vlad on February 17, 2009, 04:15 AM UTC
the installation manual
p71interceptor - found by
vlad on February 17, 2009, 01:19 AM UTC
p71 / crown vic car alarm installation materials