#107: Cyberduck gets flooded with Growl notifications from Bonjour

When I open Cyberduck, I get dozens of Growl notifcations because Cyberduck discovers Bonjour-connected computers.

I can't find an option in the preferences to change this.

Growl preference pane

Turns out this is managed outside the application UI, in the Growl preferences.

System Preferences → Growl → Applications → Cyberduck → Configure... → Notifications → Notification: Bonjour.

Documented in http://trac.cyberduck.ch/ticket/1510

Think you've got a better solution? Help Thumb_cartoon_futurama_flexo_small hannes out by posting your solution

http://trac.cyberduck.ch/ticket/1510 - found by Thumb_cartoon_futurama_flexo_small hannes on December 21, 2010, 01:50 PM UTC